Parenting Styles Overview...
Below are our articles on the subject of Parenting Styles Overview. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Parenting Styles and Diana Baumrind
Diana Baumrind is one of the world's leading experts in parenting and was responsible for pioneering the concept that different children need different parenting styles....

Parenting Styles: An Introduction
Different parenting styles exist to help parents to find the best way to bring up their children and deal with any problems that may arise....

Take Our Parental Health Quiz
Take our quiz to see how healthy you really are....

The Origins of Parenting Styles
Parenting styles have evolved over time and are deeply rooted in the research work that was carried out by Diana Baumrind....

What is Authoritarian Parenting?
Authoritarian parenting is the most traditional method of parenting and parents focus on shaping and controlling their children's behaviour....

What is Assertive-Democratic Parenting?
Assertive Democratic Parenting is probably the most common parenting style used in today's family's. This style of parenting allows the child a certain amount of…...

What is Permissive Parenting?
Permissive parenting is seen by many as a style of bringing up children that can be far too flexible and offer children too much freedom. Permissive parents allow…...

What's Your Parenting Style?
Every child is different and requires a different approach or parenting style ranging from permissive parenting to authoritarian parenting....